TRX Android Suite
TRX Android Suite is a streaming client/server for many of the latest Whistler brand scanners. You must have access to a computer running the included Windows server application. The application suite allows you to listen to (and control) your desktop scanner via your Android device while you are across the house or across the world. Compatible with the TRX-1, TRX-2, WS-1080, WS-1088, WS-1095 & WS-1098.
Notable Features:
- Swipe up/down in landscape mode to show or hide the buttons and get a bigger LCD.
- You can mute the audio by using the menu in the Android client.
- The Stop & Rotary buttons can be hidden off the Android screen if desired.
- Optionally, you can have the client keep your Android screen awake, preventing the screen turning off.
- You can minimize the server to your system tray instead of clogging up your Windows taskbar.
- Remote control from the clients can be disabled from the server (takes effect on the next connection).
- The Windows server application has the option to listen to the audio locally through your pc speakers (my favorite feature).
- You can set the Windows server to automatically start broadcasting via option.
- Put a shortcut to the application in your startup to have the server start with Windows.
- Optional compressed audio uses 80% less bandwidth for audio
- LCD Font density can be changed in both windows and Android.
- Calls are logged on the screen and optionally to files
- Log files can be suffixed with the date
- Log chart can be reorganized and resized
- Optional bluetooth data display & limited control
Special Notes:
- An audio patch cable is REQUIRED between the headphone jack of the scanner and your machine to be able to listen to the scanner audio.
- Use the Windows server's "Listen Locally" option to ensure your audio is set up correctly.
- When rotating or swiping, the LCD may take a second or two to refresh.
- Android Ver 4.1 (JellyBean) is required to run the Android client.
- Server settings are saved automatically when you hit the Start or Stop button and when you save logging file settings.
- There is no windows install, just extract the files anywhere on your machine.
- The included NAudio.dll MUST be in the same directory as the server's executable.
- CCDump may need to be DISABLED, otherwise it might flood the system.
- DOTNET Framework 4.5.2 is required for the Windows server, you can get it here.
DISABLE Task Killers (or put this app in the white list!).
- It is easier to use copy/paste to enter the registration name & key.
- You will need to configure your router to forward a port if you want to listen to the scanner outside of your local network.
- There WILL be a delay! It takes time to send audio and commands via the internet. On a local network, this delay can be as low as a fraction of a second. Over the internet with a slow connection, it could be up to a few seconds. The same thing will happen if you watch a live tv stream via the internet and watch the same feed via a tv with an antenna (not cable, satellite or with a DVR). TV streaming over the net has a significant delay. NASA TV is a great example that you usually test this with.
- The Sound Delay Factor advanced option can reduce the delay, but, if it is too low, you will have stutter in the audio because the app has not received the next audio message in time to continue playing.
- The Windows server does not require an install, just copy to a folder and run it.
- On Android 7.0, you go here to DISABLE battery saver for TRX and WIN500 apps:
Battery Usage,
Optimize Battery Usage upper right sub menu,
Select All Apps in sub drop down menu,
UNCHECK TRX and/or Win500 apps
- Windows 10 added microphone privacy - You must allow TRX access to your microphone. This is in the control panel, search for "microphone privacy"
Rotary Control Notes:
- Rotary buttons only seem to turn on the backlight on handheld scanners.
- No Push Knob first: Left turn lowers volume, Right Turn raises volume.
- Push Knob once: Left lowers squelch, Right raises squelch. Push Knob again and it returns to volume control or wait a few seconds and it goes back to volume on it's own.
- Push Power button: Left Turn lowers LCD brightness, Right Turn raises LCD brightness. (Power button does not shut the radio down)
Keyboard Control Map (NEW in ver 1.1d)
Use your keyboard to control the scanner:
- Number keys are number keys
- Spacebar = Play/Pause/Select
- M = Menu
- Arrow keys are the arrows
- Page up/Page down turn the rotory knob
- K = push the knob
- W = Wx
- A = Att
- P = Pri
- S = Skip
- F = Fn
Download Link: - Version 1.1d (10/29/2021)
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK.
- BOTH server and client must be on same version number (letter subversion may be different).
- Added RSSI Logging
- Added Keyboard control of Windows app
- Added "Log Everything" option to log every EVENT message, including repeats.
- (no updates to the Android Client)
- Android below version 14: Optional direct link to the Android APK for direct install - TrxClient_V1.1e.apk
- Android version 14 and above: Optional direct link to the Android APK for direct install - TrxClient_V1.1e-Android14.apk - Version 1.1c.3 (6/20/2018)
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK.
- BOTH server and client must be on same version number (letter subversion may be different).
- Minor bugfix where bluetooth devices may hit play/pause automatically. Added option to disable/ignore bluetooth buttons (defaults to disabled).
- (no updates to the Windows Client)
- Optional direct link to the Android APK for direct install on devices - TrxClient_V1.1e.apk - Version 1.1c.2 (6/11/2018)
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK.
- BOTH server and client must be on same version number (letter subversion may be different).
- Android client now communicates with bluetooth devices, if running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or later. This option must be enabled in the advacned settings, it defaults to OFF/DISABLED. The Play/Pause button on the bluetooth device hits the "Select" button on the radio.
- Option to display "Scanning" on bluetooth device or not clear previous data, this defaults to OFF/DISABLED.
- (no updates to the Windows Client)
- Optional direct link to the Android APK for direct install on devices - TrxClient_V1.1d.apk - Version 1.1c.1 (3/31/2018)
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK.
- BOTH server and client must be on same version number (letter subversion may be different).
- Android client has option to lock keypad via double-tap on LCD or via menu
- Android client can be closed while running in background by expanding the notification icon
- (no updates to the Windows Client)
- Optional direct link to the Android APK for direct install on devices - TrxClient_V1.1c.apk - Version 1.1c (8/23/2017)
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK.
- BOTH server and client must be on same version number (letter subversion may be different).
- Added limit count option for logging to the display (helps keep memory usage low over long periods of time).
- Minor changes to improve logging feature
- (no updates to the Android Client) - Version 1.1b (8/4/2017)
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK.
- BOTH server and client must be on same version number (letter subversion may be different).
- Added Power button to both systems
- Greatly improved server performance while connected to client
- Added an advanced option to disable the back button on the main screen.
- Optional direct link to the Android APK for direct install on devices - TrxClient_V1.1b.apk - Version 1.1a (8/3/2017)
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK.
- BOTH server and client must be on same version number (letter subversion may be different).
- Minor change on logging to properly capture calls properly for conventional systems, and to capture more calls.
- Screen size and position are saved.
- Shift key can be held when loading the server to bypass current saved settings. - Version 1.1 (8/1/2017)
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK.
- BOTH server and client must be on same version number.
- Improved audio quality.
- Added optional call logging and saving to file.
- Minor bug fixes and error messaging.
- Optional direct link to the Android APK for direct install on devices - TrxClient_V1.1.apk - Version 1.0 (7/27/2017)
- Initial Release
- Includes BOTH server EXE AND client APK
- Optional direct link to the Android APK for direct install on devices - TrxClient_V1.0.apk
Quick Setup Test Hint:
Load Whistler's Remote Control Demo to test and ensure that software can communicate with the scanner. Make sure your data cable and audio patch cables are hooked up.
Settings Dialog:
- Check Home Address to use the HOME network settings, uncheck for AWAY settings.
- Home is for your local area network, same network as your server.
- Away is for when you are not connected to the same network as your server.
- Home and Away Ports are the ports you have your server on, or forwarded from.
- Notification sounds are for disconnect alerts when failure in background.
- (Display) Check the Keep Awake option to prevent your screen from turning off while streaming.
- (Display) Hide the stop button removes the stop button from the display, you will need to stop streaming via the menu.
- (Display) Hide the rotary control buttons removes the rotary control button from the display, you will need to stop streaming via the menu.
- (Display) Use big LCD makes the LCD display huge and removes many buttons.
- (Display) Screen Orientation - choose which way you want to lock the screen, or let the sensor decide.
- (Display) Screen color theme - choose dark, light or Win500a Classic yellow color scheme.
- (Advanced) Timeout changes how long to wait for network communications before giving up.
- (Advanced) Reconnect amount - how many times to attempt to reconnect before giving up.
- (Advanced) Delay between reconnect - how long in seconds between reconnect attempts.
- (Advanced) Sound Delay Factor adjusts the sound buffer. If you are hearing stuttering, increase this number. It will increase the delay, but you will end up with much smoother sound.
- (Advanced) Disable back button -hitting the Android Back button does not exit the app.
- (Advanced) Send info over bluetooth - if enabled and on Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or later, TRXa will send data to a connected bluetooth device, such as a smartwatch or car stereo. The pause/play button on the bluetooth device will act like pressing the "Select" button. This setting is DISABLED by default.
- (Advanced) Display Scanning - When enabled, connected bluetooth device will show "Scanning" if the scanner is scanning, if disabled, the previous active information will remain on screen. This setting is DISABLED by default.
Android Permissions Needed:
- Network communication - allows access to network stream, connect to the win500 server.
- Phone Calls - so the audio can stop if you get a call. Android pairs phone status & identity as one permission. I only get the status, and would have preferred to only have that permission, but that's how Android is.
Registration Information:
Trial is limited to 7,000 data packets (about 10 minutes) of actual streaming reception per day (not receiving data is not counted).
The Windows server has no limits.
Registration removes this limit and costs $30 via PayPal only.
This is 3rd party software and NOT connected to Whistler, please do not contact them for help with this software suite..
Click here to register
When entering registration information, it must be EXACT, case sensitive, spaces - EVERYTHING.
Generic Networking info (useful for any server application):
The networking part of all of this is a bit advanced, but it is the same way for my suite as it is for any other server you want on your local machine, ftp, mindcraft, web, etc.
- On windows, open a command prompt and type ipconfig to get your local/internal IPv4 address, or you can go through the netwok adapter settings via control panel.
- Go to to obtain your external/internet IP address
- You may want to either configure the server pc to use a static local/internal ip, or have the router assign a static ip. This is even for not using the software outside the house. If you have a power outage or even reboot your computer, it could get a new local/internal IP address if not static. Then you'll have to update the client software (and possibly router) accordingly, every time this happens.
- Configure the router to port forward any external traffic on that port to the internal address.
- Some routers allow you to pick a computer, not requiring a static local/internal IP for that machine for external/internet access - local access you will still need to update the client if you use this method.
- If you do not pay for a static external/internet IP, your address could, and probably will, change over time.
- You can get a free dynamic dns (DDNS) address from many sources, I use FreeDNS there are lots out there. This allows you to use a name, like instead of numbers that change. It updates the name with the new numbers for you. Configure the client with the name.
- The DDNS needs something to automatically update it when your external/internet IP changes. Many routers have a setting for this, but that setting is not always compatible with all DDNS servers. It may be easier to download a DDNS client that runs on your server to update the DDNS. Most DDNS services have update clients listed on their site that work with their service.
- After all of the above is set up correctly, you should be able to access the application from outside the network.
- Static or assigned local IP is really needed for doing any server style applications that use both local/internal and external/internet access.
- Try to have the radio far away from the computer. The radios are sensitive to RFI and if too close will overload the front end resulting in poor or no reception. Use a longer USB cable, or possibly a USB 3.0 extension cable, USB 2 extension cables are not reliable.
Screen Shots:
Contact Support:
Send an email to We'll get you working!
Special Thanks:
Paul Anderegg for his initial investment in this project and all the encouragement.
Whistler for sharing their protocols!
- Ray Larabie, creator of the NK57 font used in the LCD display, check out his other works here.
- My son, Vincent, for editing the fonts to add the special characters.
- Don Starr, from StarrSoft, for the initial Win500 windows application that got me started on these apps.
- The groups who created naudio.dll and LibGSM.
- grahampaull from RadioReference for Beta testing
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